Monday, 26 August 2013

Toast! Toast! Toast! Oh Dear.

Tomatoes, butter, jam, lemon curd, peanut butter are all examples of things you get on toast and the list is not exhaustive. Horrifically over the last couple of days there has been nothing available to eat for breakfast and lunch apart from toast. It's shocking from a woman who prides herself in good nutrition for the kids...Booboo, who dislikes porridge and takes a year to eat cereal, has indeed eaten almost half a loaf in two days. In fact I knew we had a serious issue this morning when we ran downstairs for the porridge and reached into the fridge to find there was no milk.

Anyway after a trip to the supermarket, we now have alternatives...hopefully. Husband #1 was able to cook lemon chicken with couscous and broccoli. It wasn't a success; the monsters that are my gals ate the couscous followed by the greenery - that usually always gets left until the end! Trying to get them to eat the chicken was a no-no, thank goodness we'd decided against giving them lemons. i liked it, though, but I do wish he'd branch out and try a recipe from someone other than Mrs Barefoot! No offence Ina, still hope to end up like you and Geoffrey.

Husband#1's Lemon Chicken with Couscous and Broccoli

A short post tonight, tomorrow is BBQ night and soup (no toast) for lunch. I'm making butternut squash soup except that I have some other kind of squash. But it will do!

In my book, like cleanliness is close to godliness, adaptability is close to MichelinStarness.

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