Friday, 30 August 2013

A Toilet Roll a Day and Other Adventures

Frivolous blog post, but I chuckled massively whilst thinking of these, so when I come back to my blog looking for good memories in the future, I will chuckle too.

0: the number of uninterrupted showers I have taken this holiday
1: the quantity of toilet rolls we've used per day
2: the quarters of toast Booboo will eat for breakfast before asking for a 'deal'
3: the spoonfuls of any meal eaten by Booboo before the request for a 'deal' is made
4: the number of times I need to tell anyone to stop hitting a sibling before they'll even consider it
5: the number of times Husband#1 has wiped the work top, having just tidied up (he tidied 37 times)
6: the number of trips to the loo Husband#1 made in one shopping trip with the girls
7: the number of meals (105 in total) that Biggie has eaten without screwing her nose up
8: the average number of socks (not pairs) on the stairs waiting to go upstairs to the wash basket
9: multiply by 17 to get near to the number of daily sibling fights between Biggie and Booboo
10: the total number of minutes I've had peace and quiet this last six weeks
11: multiply by three and you get the pounds I need to lose (and yet I still won't make skinny)
12: the number of washes needed per week to keep in civilian gear (school uniforms are food resistant)
13: unlucky for some, for me the date of eye surgery I cannot rearrange :-(
14: the number of apparently diabetes causing fruit juices my gals drink per week :-(
15: the number of punches Husband#1 gets before he stops snoring
16: apparently the number of punches it takes me to stop snoring
17: the number of 'matoes' Booboo will eat without question
18: the number of courses Biggie will eat: starter, main, pudding, cheese, fruit, yoghurt etc
19: the number of minutes it takes Biggie to have a wash in the morning, with reminders to keep moving
20: the number of times I hear "I'm telling you off" during the average hour's play

Oh dear. I'm chuckling again, but do you know what? I love it - this chaos and more!

He he he.

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