Only a short update today, have spent the day in silence - well the afternoon - having slept in nicely until almost 11am. Just my luck to be woken up by the window cleaner wanting the key to the back gate. Typical.
So it's been dull. No excitement in anyway, shape or form. I haven't taken advantage of time off to catch up on work, do extra cleaning, reading or similar. I did however watch Doctors. Love it and miss it. The promise of watching Doctors is the only thing that tempts me to have another baby (thus maternity leave, thus more Doctors). But no, that's not going to happen - I may just sky plus it. Wonder if husband #1 would take it up on a Friday night? Well, if not, roll on husband #2.
For tea we had dahl, raita and nan bread - my own lovely recipes (apart from the nan bread). It was a nice change, but the last portion and so at some point over Christmas I'm going to have to be making some more because it really is a great recipe: lentils, ginger, turmeric all cooked until almost ready. Then, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, ground coriander and ground cumin fried in hot oil with chilli and garlic until the garlic is golden when it is ready to add carefully to the lentil mix. I add spinach just at the end too, along with some chopped coriander. Even the raita was good, though it could have been better had husband #1 not given all of my cucumber to the giddies! They get all the best veg in this house.
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